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C Data Types

C/C++ Types to C# Types Cheat Sheet

C# / C++ Type C# Type Size
BOOL bool 1 byte
BYTE, unsigned char byte 1 byte
CHAR byte 1 byte
DECIMAL Decimal 16 bytes
DOUBLE double 8 bytes
DWORD, unsigned long, Ulong Uint, UInt32, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] 4 bytes
FLOAT float, single 4 bytes
INT16, signed short int short, Int16 2 bytes
INT, INT32, signed int int, Int32 4 bytes
INT64 long, Int64 8 bytes
LONG, LONG32, signed int int, Int32 4 bytes
LONG64 long, Int64 8 bytes
LONGLONG long, Int64 8 bytes
LP\<struct> [In] ref \<struct>
LPCTSTR, LPCTSTR, LPSTR, char, const char, Wchar_t*, LPWSTR String [in], StringBuilder [in, out]
LPDWORD out uint
LPTSTR [Out] StringBuilder
NULL pointer IntPtr.Zero
SHORT, signed short int short, Int16 2 bytes
SIZE_T uint
UCHAR, unsigned char byte 1 byte
UINT16, WORD ushort, UInt16 2 bytes
UINT, UINT32, unsigned int uint, UInt32 4 bytes
UINT64 ulong, UInt64 8 bytes
ULONG, unsigned long, ULONG32 uint, UInt32 4 bytes
ULONG64 ulong, UInt64 8 bytes
ULONGLONG ulong, UInt64 8 bytes
void*, pointers IntPtr x86=4 bytes, x64=8 bytes
WORD ushort, UInt16 2 bytes